Dot gov

The .gov means it's official.
Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site.


The site is secure.
The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

GSA Fleet AutoAuctions Browser Compatibility
  • This webpage is best viewed in either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 9.x or higher. Please refer to following table for compatibility with other browsers.



Windows XP/IE8 No*
Windows 7/IE9 Yes
Firefox Yes
Safari No**
Chrome Yes
Android No***
  • * Text in "Vehicle Search" section may not be displayed properly. Follow these steps to fix the issue-

    1. Open Internet Explorer.
    2. Press "F12" key to open "Developer Tools" window.
    3. Click on "Browser Mode" and select "Internet Explorer 8".
    4. Click on "Document Mode" and select "Internet Explorer 8 Standards".

    ** Sale Calendar may not display the information in "Monthly" view right away. Navigate to "Weekly" view and come back to "Monthly" view to display the information.

    *** Following issues have been identified with Android browser -

    1. Sale Calendar may not display the information in "Monthly" view right away. Navigate to "Weekly" view and come back to "Monthly" view to display the information.
    2. User may not be able to edit User Notification Preferences. We do not have any work around for the moment.
    3. User may not be able to download the results to PDF and excel reports. We do not have any work around for the moment.


An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration

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